Friday, August 28, 2009

Both kids in school! what will I do?

This last week both of my kids started school. That's right I have three hours to myself! I was worried that I wouldn't know what to do with myself and that I would find myself bored and going crazy. Luckly I have been very busy and three hours somedays isn't enough.

Rebekah is in 1st grade this year at a new school, Sage Hill elementary. She is loving school espeacially lunch and rescue but is not sure that she likes being at school all day.

Buddy started Kindergarten at Sage Hill also. I asked him after the first day of school how it was and he replied," boring". I have a feeling this year for Buddy is going to be a long one but cross my fingers for the best.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sorry No Pics.

So I don't have any pics..well because this is Amber writing a blog post for Brittney :-) Anyways I just wanted to say how awesome she is because she has been eating really really good and has recently picked up running. When I was in utah last I ran her very first whole mile with her and she was so excited and it made me remember how excited I was the first time I did that.

We have a goal that if she can build up to 3.2 miles (WHICH SHE WILL :-) I will come run the freedom run 5 k with her next year.

Lastly the greatest thing of all, she is DOWN 25 LBS!!!! Boo ya that is awesome.

I might come up to Utah in September for a triathlon and BYU game and if so I think she definitely deserves some shopping!