Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halloween Fun!

With the help of Brad and Liz we carved pumpkins for the first time since Brandon and I got married. (Wow almost ten years!) It was lots of fun and lots of work will see if it happens again.

Buddy was not so sure about pulling the seeds out with his bare hands.

Rebekah made a witch cat.

My kids love to try to match there Halloween costumes. This year they were Bat man and Bat Girl. It took Bekah a lot of talking to get her brother to be Bat man but once he got the costume he loved it!

Didn't know Bats could be so cute!

Fall Fun!

October was great! Brandon's sister Heather came to town with her family and we were able to go to Gardner Villages and decorate pumpkins. Unfortunately my camera was not holding a charge so I wasn't able to get pic but it was great to have them here. We also went to the "Scarecrow Fest" this year with Brandon's baby brother Brad his wife Liz and there daughter Maggie. We had so many fun activities for ever age. I don't know who had the most fun the kids or the parents. We have never gone but we had some much fun we can't wait to do it again next year!
Scarecrow Fest
Poor Maggie got cut out of picture some how!

Aunt Liz and Bekah drag racing!

Buddy teaching dad how to drive.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

I bought these pants last May (or Brittney did) this is Amber...updating her blog because I am so proud of my sis! She is awesome! She even got some awesome real running shoes (saucony) they really are great shoes!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Both kids in school! what will I do?

This last week both of my kids started school. That's right I have three hours to myself! I was worried that I wouldn't know what to do with myself and that I would find myself bored and going crazy. Luckly I have been very busy and three hours somedays isn't enough.

Rebekah is in 1st grade this year at a new school, Sage Hill elementary. She is loving school espeacially lunch and rescue but is not sure that she likes being at school all day.

Buddy started Kindergarten at Sage Hill also. I asked him after the first day of school how it was and he replied," boring". I have a feeling this year for Buddy is going to be a long one but cross my fingers for the best.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sorry No Pics.

So I don't have any pics..well because this is Amber writing a blog post for Brittney :-) Anyways I just wanted to say how awesome she is because she has been eating really really good and has recently picked up running. When I was in utah last I ran her very first whole mile with her and she was so excited and it made me remember how excited I was the first time I did that.

We have a goal that if she can build up to 3.2 miles (WHICH SHE WILL :-) I will come run the freedom run 5 k with her next year.

Lastly the greatest thing of all, she is DOWN 25 LBS!!!! Boo ya that is awesome.

I might come up to Utah in September for a triathlon and BYU game and if so I think she definitely deserves some shopping!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I always knew insurance companies were the devil.

So today my doorbell rings and I open it to see a gentlemen holding this basket of cookies..he then proceeded to ask if I was Brittney Rowe. The cookies were sent from our insurance company. Seriously are you kidding me? This is the meanest trick ever, I think they deliberately waited until I was going strong on the diet and then had to throw this curveball in my face. Brandon gave up already and sneaked a cookie but I am going to try and stay strong...oh stupid temptations!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Sooner the Better!

Brandon teaching Buddy the right way to wash a car.

Buddy and Bekah's Graduations

Time goes by so fast. I couldn't believe it when Bekah and Buddy were handing me invitation to there graduations. It seemed like just yesterday that I had to drag Buddy to pre-school and thought he would never make it the whole year. Then there is Bekah that all she knew was her sounds and was entering kindergarten not know her ABC after two years of pre-school. They definitely learn when they want to.

Bekah and Buddy both did a great job at there graduation. Bekah sang her little heart out and has not stop singing since. Buddy just can't wait tell he can ride the bus to school with his sister and I am already having a hard time think that my baby will be in kindergarten next year. Three hours to my-self, what will I do.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Poor Rebekah closed her finger in the car door the other day. When she closed the door the car was still running so the door locked immedialty. So Rebekah's poor finger was stuck in the door tell I could put the car in park, undo my seat belt and unlock the door and run around to the other side to open the door. It felt like it took forever to rescue her poor finger. This is the same finger that was closed in the slidding door when she was three.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Winter, Winter go away!

Rebekah thinks Winter's been great but is ready for Summer NOW!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Some more new Updates

Here are some pics of our new boat. It's really nice and we are glad we finally could get a new boat. Now my sister has some more motivation to come up and visit more and so Brandon can try and bump her off the tube again.

Our floor.

This is our finished floor, doesn't it look pretty? Silly me I keep forgetting I have new slippery new wood floors instead of carpet and so I have slipped and fallen like 3 times in the past couple of days :-( gaaarh..It's a good thing I like these new floors! I am just waiting for one of my kids to wipe out too.

Friday, February 20, 2009


So for valentine's Brandon and I went to Mimi's cafe and got a great dinner for 2 for $25.00 Brandon got fettuchini alfredo pasta dish and I got a salmon/asparagus dish and we also got salad and a double brownie desserts..Mmmmm It was great. My sister informed me that her and Paul went out for sushi and ate 11 rolls and I almost puked at the thought of it.

Here is our new floor that is slowly but surely coming along! Its going to be so nice when its done!
Some more good news! Brandon won a drawing at the boat show in that he won a 3 day/2 night trip to Anaheim california and Disneyland tickets! Wahoo!!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I am a busy woman.

Well this is actually Amber updating Brittney's blog..sorry I don't have a picture but she is still trying to learn the whole new process of this. But hear is what has been going on in her life.

First of all she accidentally forgot to pick her child up from school one day ha ha...she felt terrible..and it was actually just that she forgot it was early out day, so she still ended up picking up Rebekah..just a little later is all..She called me and just kept saying she couldn't believe she forgot her child. I reassured her that this is probably something everyone has done at some point in their life and since Rebekah was now sound and safe it was all good.

Also her and Brandon got a new spanking boat!! Its been something in the works for awhile but I can't wait to see a pic of it (hint hint) it sounds pretty spiffy!!

Lastly Brittney has been busy pulling up all the carpet, Yes they are getting new carpet and couches and a new hard wood floor. The carpet and floors have been given quite the beat down in its life time so it was time for a makeover. They got a really sweet deal I will add.

Other than that she is great, freezing, but life is good. The End.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Oh well, I tried.

So I thought I had set up a blog, come to find out I had made like five that didn't even work. So thanks to the best sister in the world I have a blog. My next task is to figure out how to put pictures on the blog. That may take sometime.

What am I doing?

I have no computer skills what so ever but everyone has been after me to open a blog. I don't know how much I'll blog or even be able to figure it out. It took me 30 min. just to open my own email account so Brandon won't have to deal with all my facebook emails.Here is my own email I figure a blog is much more enjoyable then writing in a journal and I love reading others. So cross your finger will see how long it last.